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Data visualisation

The importance of Data visualisation is – analyzing complex data, identifying patterns, and extracting valuable insights. Simplifying complex information and presenting it visually enables decision-makers to make informed and effective decisions quickly and accurately.

Without it, you won’t know what problems you’re trying to solve, what to build or if the service you create will work well for users.

The resources provided are intended as a starting point rather than a definitive guide.

Benefits of accessible data visualisation


Accessible data visualisation ensures that individuals with disabilities, such as visual impairments, can still interpret the data. By providing alternate formats, such as audio descriptions or tactile graphics, everyone can access and understand the information.


Accessible data visualisation can improve the clarity and understanding of the data. Clear and concise visualisations make it easier for everyone, regardless of ability, to comprehend complex data sets.


Many organisations are required by law to ensure accessibility of their content, including data visualisations. This is particularly important for government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses that serve the public.

User experience

Accessible data visualisation can improve the overall user experience. When data is presented in a way that is easy to understand, users are more likely to engage with the content and use it to make informed decisions.


Accessible data visualisation can lead to innovation and new discoveries. By making data accessible to a wider audience, we can unlock new insights and perspectives that might have otherwise been overlooked.

The links below will take you to the excellent Guidance hub created by the Analysis Function Central Team based at the Office for National Statistics (ONS).