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User research at HS2

User research helps teams learn about users and create services that meet their needs.

Without it, you won’t know what problems you’re trying to solve, what to build or if the service you create will work well for users.

The resources provided are intended as a starting point rather than a definitive guide.

Research method toolbox

  • Heatmaps

    See how users are behaving on the page - where are they clicking? Are they navigating the page in the expected way?

  • User workshops

    Get users into the same space to deep-dive through whole subject areas or co-create solutions

  • Online surveys

    A quantitative and qualitative method of establishing attitudes and behaviours

  • In-browser polls

    Capture the sentiment of users for a specific service area with a few quick questions

  • Telephone interviews

    Talk to users to explore an area in depth

  • Prototype testing

    Create mockups to test the usability of your product before development

  • In-content feedback loops

    Understand user sentiment towards content and get feedback if something is wrong on the page

  • Card sorting and tree testing

    Test the hierarchy and structure of content - do users group services and content in the same way as the business?

  • Customer journey mapping

    Map out real user journeys beyound their interaction with our services

  • Analytics

    Analyse how parts of our websites and services are used, what users are searching for and how users behave

  • Contextual interviews

    Meet a user in their environment to ask questions relevant to their surroundings

  • Highlighter testing

    Check whether users understand our communication information and content. Do we give too much information? Do we not give them the right information?

  • Stakeholder mapping

    Map out who to speak with about a service or website

  • Stakeholder workshops

    Get under the skin of a service or business area and understand stakeholder expectations

  • Service blueprints

    Display the entire process of service delivery, by listing all the activities that happen at each stage

  • Reframing the problem

    Before trying to create a solution, analyse a problem statement to check whether you are researching the right thing

  • Assumptions and questions

    Collect assumptions and questions to test and identify high-risk assumptions to prioritise for research

  • Assistive technology testing

    Test whether a service is fully accessible by involving users of assistive technology

User research resources

Blogs and resources we have found helpful

Adapted from the Transport for West Midlands Design System.