
If you have a general question or need help with a specific component.

Help and feedback

If you don't see the component you need

We are working on more components that are in different stages of research, design and development. If you need a component that isn’t in the design system, you can contact us for advice.

If you need the component immediately, you can:

  • create your desired component using UI elements found in other components
  • for icons, check  Material Design Icon resource and  Material Design Icons, a community-driven resource for icons based on Google Material Design. We use Material Design icon principles to create custom icons that aren’t in our icon library.

If you’d like to suggest a component for us to work on, the design system team would love to hear from you.

Tell us what you think of the design system

The design system team has created this resource for you – and we need your input to help grow and shape it into exactly what you need.

Send the design system team an email with feedback on the system or a particular element, to ask questions or to just say hi!